Please visit:
Select: My Obligations (which is located at the top of the webpage)
You will be asked to enter your name & street address (enter number only), then select Search.
Select: Update Information and Continue (if necessary, make any changes to your personal Contact Info or Address Info)
Select: View all Online Courses
Please review the list of courses that you have already taken; please do NOT repeat a course. It is good practice to be diverse in our teachings. Therefore, we ask that you be cautious in choosing an on-line video that you have not previously viewed. Every volunteer MUST have taken the Standard Sexual Abuse Awareness Training video at least once.
Select: Continue to the class
Once you have completed the on-line video, there will be a short quiz. Your file will automatically be updated with the completed Quiz within the Diocesan database. It is important that you ensure that your record was saved when you complete your input.
Note: If you have any problems or are not able to access the system, please contact the Safety Officer via email at [email protected] or call the parish office @ 972-542-4667 extension 113.